What Can Vitamin B-Complex Do for Your Nerves?

Nerve health is not thought about as often compared to other aspects of our health. But that should change, especially since the proper functioning of your nerves is a huge part of your daily activities. So as much as possible, make taking proper care of your nerve health part of your daily self-care routine. 

To do that, you can try taking nerve supplements containing Vitamin B-Complex, alongside having a proper diet and exercise routine. 

What do these B vitamins do for your nerve health? Alongside proper diet and exercise, they help in the maintenance of proper nervous system functions like promoting nerve repair, acceleration of nerve tissue regeneration, and recovery of nerve function.1 They also help in addressing symptoms of nerve aging such as numbness, tingling, and sharp pains with proper diet and exercise. 

To be more specific: 
With proper diet and exercise, Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) helps contribute to the maintenance of a healthy nervous system, including proper muscle contractions, sending of nerve signals,2 and improving certain neurological conditions.3 It’s also for good brain function4 as it helps provide energy to your neurons5 (nerve cells) with proper diet and exercise since your brain needs a constant energy supply given the huge amount of energy it consumes. 

If you’re Vitamin B1 deficient (mild to moderate), your neurons can become damaged6 or even die. Symptoms include increased muscle weakness7 and atrophy of leg muscles.8 

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) is important to help with having a normal brain development9 and for keeping the nervous system healthy, when taken alongside having a proper diet and exercise. It helps facilitate neurotransmitters and myelin synthesis. 

Symptoms10 of Vitamin B6 deficiency include premature aging of neurons and even carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Lastly, with proper diet and exercise as well, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) helps restore and maintain the health of your nervous system. It helps support neural regeneration11 with proper diet and exercise, especially after an injury. It also helps support new formation of myelin sheaths12 (nerve fiber sheaths) that protect nerves to ensure correct and effective transmission of nerve flows. 

Neurological symptoms13 for Vitamin B12 deficiency include unsteadiness of legs and triggering of false sensations in your lower limbs such as burning and numbness of feet. 

So take care of your nerve health so you can continue enjoying the things you love. You can try taking Vitamins B1 + B6 + B12 (Supraneuron®) as your nerve supplement alongside having a proper diet and exercise routine to help keep your nerves healthy and happy! 

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.


ASC Reference No.: 
B0166P011924S, B0138P012224S



  1. Geller M, Oliveira L, Nigri R, Mezitis SG, Ribeiro MG, et al. (2017) B Vitamins for Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain. Vitam Miner 6:161. doi: 10.4172/2376-1318.1000161
  2. Thiamin, in https://medlineplus.gov
  3. B vitamins in the nervous system: Current knowledge in the biochemical modes of action and synergies of thiamine, pyridoxine, and cobalamin, in https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  4. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), in https://www.mountsinai.org
  5. Thiamin - Vitamin B1, in https://www.hsph.harvard.edu
  6. Vitamin B-6, in https://www.mayoclinic.org
  7. Vitamin B12 - an important protection for strong nerves, in https://www.woerwagpharma.de/en
  8. B vitamins in the nervous system: Current knowledge in the biochemical modes of action and synergies of thiamine, pyridoxine, and cobalamin, in https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6930825/
  9. Vitamin B-6, in https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-vitamin-b6/art-20363468
  10. B vitamins in the nervous system: Current knowledge in the biochemical modes of action and synergies of thiamine, pyridoxine, and cobalamin, in https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6930825/
  11. https://www.woerwagpharma.de/en/health-topics/neurological-diseases/vitamin-b12-important-protection-for-strong-nerves
  12. Vitamin B12 - an important protection for strong nerves, in https://www.woerwagpharma.de/en/health-topics/neurological-diseases/vitamin-b12-important-protection-for-strong-nerves
  13. https://www.woerwagpharma.de/en/health-topics/neurological-diseases/vitamin-b12-important-protection-for-strong-nerves