When you hear the word “aging”, you might think of physical changes, such as graying hair or wrinkled skin.

But what many people might not think of is that your brain and nervous system also ages. The spinal cord and the brain itself lose some of their nerve cells, resulting in atrophy.

When the nerves start to break down, one’s senses are likely affected. They may be less receptive to sensation and your reflexes may not be as quick as they once were. Aside from these, your memory may not be as sharp, and your thought processes may slow down as well1.

It’s important to note, though, that while everyone will inevitably go through nerve aging, its manifestations may not be the same for all. There could be many factors that contribute to how these symptoms exhibit themselves: genetics and one’s lifestyle being two of the more apparent ones.

However, if you do find yourself wondering if you might have a nerve aging disorder, please consult your doctor.


Common Disorders Associated with Nerve Aging

There is a wide range of symptoms in relation to nerve aging. This may also depend largely on which particular nerves are affected, and their location within the nervous system2.

Neuropathy: a disorder that results in numbness, tingling, and weakness, felt primarily in the hands and feet

Alzheimer’s Disease: falling under the Dementia spectrum, this condition is progressive; a patient’s basic physical and mental functions are affected by the breakdown of cells in the brain

Parkinson’s Disease: similar to Alzheimer’s, this disease involves the collapse and decay of important cells in the brain, affecting the movement of a patient

Myopathy: more commonly known as muscle weakness, this is manifested more prominently in the upper arms as well as thighs

Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis (ALS): gaining worldwide recognition in recent years due to viral fundraising challenges, this disease attacks one’s motor neurons, affecting muscle function

Stroke: happens when either a blood vessel in the brain ruptures or blood supply to the brain is cut off; the effects could be severe, even life-threatening, if not acted on immediately

Myasthenia Gravis: an autoimmune disease blocking signals between the nerves and muscles, rendering the latter unable to function properly

Muscular Dystrophy: may be attributed to genetics, this disease deals with progressive muscle disorders3


How to Care for Your Nerves

While doing these may not necessarily guarantee a nerve disease-free life, it can help slow down the progression of nerve aging, and ultimately, help you feel better on a day to day basis:

  • Exercise
  • Change your diet
  • Lessen (or eliminate) drinking and smoking4
  • Get enough sleep
  • Spend time meditating (or praying)5

Aside from all these, taking Vitamin B-complex daily helps support nerve health with proper diet and exercise.

Try Vitamins B1 + B6 + B12 (Supraneuron®). With a high dose of B-Vitamins – Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12 – it can help address the symptoms of nerve aging such as numbness, tingling, and sharp pains, with proper diet and exercise.

While aging is inevitable, we can all do our part to keep our nerves healthy and happy!

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.