How Supradyn works: Support of children’s immune system
Sharing toys, putting fingers in mouth, frequent contact with the floor, limited hand washing, and close contact with peers are only few examples of how children are far more often in contact with bacteria than adults.
With the immune system still in development throughout childhood and adolescence, a correct level of micronutrients in children is essential to ward off illnesses. Potential consequences of insufficient micronutrients include impaired immune response and reduced resistance to infections, as well as lower energy levels and general fatigue. Due to inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals, supplementation is often necessary. Supradyn Kids includes all key micronutrients that support the immune system on a daily basis and in flu season, such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc. Vitamin C reduces susceptibility to infections, prevents the onset of viral infections, and protects cells against oxidative damage, reducing the healing time. Its regular supplementation can reduce the incidence and duration of the common cold. Vitamin D interacts with immune cells, facilitating normal immune functions. It is involved in forming the immunological memory of T-cells and participates in the production of antimicrobial proteins. Supplementation with zinc boosts the immune response and helps reduce the duration and severity of the common cold. Iron is critical for normal development of the immune system, proliferation of immune cells, and elimination of pathogens. To further support the immune system, Supradyn Kids is also enriched with Sea Buckthorn, a natural ingredient that helps recover from sickness. Rich in bioactive substances, Sea Buckthorn attenuates the severity of viral and bacterial infections.
The immune system has three layers of defence10
Potential consequences of insufficient micronutrients:
Sea Buckthorn for immune system support
The natural ingredient
Sea Buckthorn
can have a key role in supporting the immune system, and in recovery from sickness
- Contains ~190 bioactive substances (vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenols, amino acids)29

- Beneficial effects on the immune system and recovery from sickness29,30
- Reduces serum concentration of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation31
- Reduces oxidative stress in muscle and liver (caused by physically demanding activity [muscle only] or stressful environmental situations such as cold temperature and hypoxaemia)32
- Supports recovery from stressful environmental situations by increasing superoxide dismutase32
- Reduces growth of influenza A/B at the initial stage of viral replication33,34
- Might attenuate the severity of viral and bacterial infections33-35
- Micronutrient requirements of children ages 4 to 13 years. Oregon State University. Available from: Accessed August 2018;
- Micronutrient requirements of adolescents ages 14 to 18 years. Oregon State University. Available from: Accessed August 2018;
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- Zielinska A and Nowak I. Abundance of active ingredients in sea-buckthorn oil. Lipids Health Dis 2017;16:95.
- Patel CA, et al. Remedial Prospective of Hippophae rhamnoides Linn. (Sea Buckthorn). ISRN Pharmacol 2012:436857.
- Larmo P, et al. Effects of sea buckthorn berries on infections and inflammation: a double-blind, randomized, placebocontrolled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr 2008;62:1123–30.
- Saggu S and Kumar R. Modulatory effect of seabuckthorn leaf extract on oxidative stress parameters in rats during exposure to cold, hypoxia and restraint (C-H-R) stress and post stress recovery. J Pharm Pharmacol 2007;59:1739–45.
- Enkhtaivan G, et al. Extreme effects of seabuckthorn extract on influenza viruses and human cancer cells and correlation between flavonol glycosides and biological activities of extracts. Saudi J Biol Sci 2017;24:1646–1656.
- Torelli A, et al. Sea buckthorn bud extract displays activity against cell-cultured Influenza virus. J Prev Med Hyg 2015;56:E51–56.
- Upadhyay NK, Kumar MS, and Gupta A. Antioxidant, cytoprotective and antibacterial effects of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) leaves. Food Chem Toxicol 2010;48:3443–8.
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- JonkerFAM, et al. Anaemia, iron deficiency and susceptibility to infection in children in sub-Saharan Africa, guideline dilemmas. Br J Haemat ol2017;177:878–83;
- ZielinskaA and Nowak I. Abundance of active ingredients in sea-buckthorn oil. Lipids Health Dis 2017;16:95;
- Patel CA, et al. Remedial Prospective of HippophaerhamnoidesLinn. (Sea Buckthorn). ISRN Pharmacol2012:436857;
- LarmoP, et al. Effects of sea buckthorn berries on infections and inflammation: a double-blind, randomized, placebocontrolled trial. EurJ ClinNutr2008;62:1123–30;
- SagguS and Kumar R. Modulatory effect of seabuckthornleaf extract on oxidative stress parameters in rats during exposure to cold, hypoxia and restraint (C-H-R) stress and post stress recov ery. J Pharm Pharmacol2007;59:1739–45;
- EnkhtaivanG, et al. Extreme effects of seabuckthornextract on influenza viruses and human cancer cells and correlation between flavonolglycosides and biological activities of extracts. Saudi J BiolSci2017;24:1646–56;
- TorelliA, et al. Sea buckthorn bud extract displays activity against cell-cultured Influenza virus. J PrevMed Hyg2015;56:E51–6;
- UpadhyayNK, Kumar MS, and Gupta A. Antioxidant, cytoprotectiveand antibacterial effects of sea buckthorn (HippophaerhamnoidesL.) leav es. Food ChemToxicol2010;48:3443–8.
- Micronutrient requirements of children ages 4 to 13 years. Oregon State University. Available from: Accessed August 2018;